New Publication Announcement!
My short story, “The Pool,” is out in the February 2020 issue of Ghost Parachute.
The first expansion to Roll Player Adventures! Delve into a story unique to your player character (or their “backstory” card) that is interwoven into the main narrative. I wrote around half the backstories. Will be really fun to see more people bring this to table and dive deeper into the Roll Player Universe.
New Publication Announcement!
My short story, “The Pool,” is out in the February 2020 issue of Ghost Parachute.
New Publication Announcement!
My short story, “Clarity,” has been published in Cricket, a magazine for young readers. Teaser: Allowed to memorize a single spell as a rite of passage, a young boy faces a critical choice.
New Publication Announcement!
Beyerlein, Kraig, Ryan, Peter (Equal first authors), Abu-Hazeem, Aliyah, Pauley, Amity. “The Women’s March: A National Study of Solidarity Events.” Mobilization. 2018.
New Publication Announcement!
Beyerlein, Kraig, Ryan, Peter (Equal first authors). “Religious Resistance to Trump: Progressive Faith and the Women’s March on Chicago.” Sociology of Religion. 2018.
New publication announcement!
My short story, paper mâché, has been published in TIMBER 7.2: RUINATION (09.26.17). A job interview devolves into madness.
New Publication Announcement!
My short story, “When Bloodwater Boils,” has been published in the Spring 2017 issue of The Colored Lens. A young boy with no skills and no prospects finds that “there is always money in bloodwater.”
New Publication Announcement!
My short story, “First Apartment, was published in the April 2017 issue of Into The Void Magazine. My first religiously-themed epistolary short story.
New Publication Announcement!
My ten-word story was published on the website of the Dime Show Review (February 2017).
New Publication Announcement!
My short story, “Baradore,” was published in the January 2017 issue of Chantwood magazine. An imaginary variant of the Saint Bernard chases her shadow self through the land of myth.